Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Moving On Up

Henry began transitioning to the toddler class this month. At first he visited for just a few hours, then he stayed for lunch, and this week he began napping (on a cot!) in his new classroom. So far he seems to be enjoying the new surroundings, especially the daily visits to the playground. But everything hasn’t been easy: the toddlers only take one nap a day (after lunch), so Henry has had to forgo his mid-morning snooze. And his best friend Olivia won’t be transitioning until after the New Year, so she and Henry are facing the prospect of a long distance relationship.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Afternoon at the Museum

Last weekend we went to the National Museum of Natural History with Elise’s friend Sarah Walter, who was visiting us from San Francisco. Henry loves to climb on hard surfaces, so the rocks and minerals exhibit was a real treat. He enjoyed feeling the different textures of the rock formations and crystals. Afterward, we visited the butterfly exhibit where you can walk through a tropical enclosure with hundreds of live butterflies, some of them as big as birds! Then we went to see the other insects, including a tank of giant cockroaches. Our last stop was the dinosaur exhibit, although by this stage Henry was more interested in climbing the museum stairs than looking at fossils. After an enjoyable day out, we headed home where Sarah made us a delicious pasta dinner.

Below are some pictures from our outing: