Friday, May 28, 2010

Springtime in Michigan

During the two week gap before Elise started her new job, we traveled to Michigan to visit Aunt Pauline. This was our first time flying with both children, and it was an exhausting experience. The flight is only one hour from Washington, but getting to the airport, clearing security and keeping Henry in his seat during take off and landing was quite an adventure. Somehow we managed to get there and back in one piece. Along the way, we had a wonderful visit with Aunt Pauline and our friends Jenn and Steve Lathom and their son Matthew. Below are some pictures from the long weekend. As you can see, Henry was both fascinated by and slightly apprehensive of Aunt Pauline’s dogs. He was particularly interested in the Labrador puppies. He also enjoyed riding around the property on Aunt Pauline’s Gator and looking for mushrooms. For her part, Vivian rolled with the punches, as she usually does. She slept for most of the plane ride and spent the rest of the time observing her bother’s antics with a bemused smile.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Things Vivian Likes: Sophie the Giraffe

Vivian is now six months old and is developing into quite the young lady. She is sitting up, learning to eat baby food and attempting to scoot on the floor. She enjoys spending time in her exersaucer (an invaluable gift from the Powells; we can’t believe we didn’t have one for Henry!) and playing with her brother’s toys.

One of her favorite distractions is a rubber teether called “Sophie the Giraffe.” We received two of these from friends, and heard that it was the hip new toy with the Hollywood crowd (or least those with babies). The company website explains that Sophie was created in Paris in 1961. She is made from natural rubber from the Hevea tree and is named after St. Sophie, the saint whose feast day (May 25th) is the same day she was invented. Apparently Sophie has been popular in France and across Europe for many years and is now all the rage in America.

As it turns out, there is something to this Sophie phenomenon. Vivian really enjoys her rubber giraffe -- something about the shape and perhaps the texture and taste of the natural rubber make it ideal for chewing. She also squeaks! The real test for Sophie will come in the next few weeks when Vivian begins teething. If Sophie can get us through that, she will be something we really like too!