Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

After a busy run up to the holidays, we had a relaxing Christmas at home with Bryant’s parents.  We went to eat at our favorite German restaurant--Old Europe--and attended Christmas Eve mass at St. Mary’s.  This was the first year that Henry was old enough to understand Santa Claus (thanks, in part, to a talking book rendition of “The Night before Christmas” from Mimi Pauline), and he enjoyed setting out cookies and milk for Santa (and carrots for the reindeer).  We also were glad to have Vivian with us this year.  She spent last Christmas in the hospital, recovering from meningitis (see Christmas 2009).
On Christmas morning, the kids seemed a little overwhelmed by all the presents (as did mommy and daddy).  Henry received a castle, a red wagon, lots of new books and games, and the Toy Story 3 DVD, which quickly became his new favorite movie.  Vivian received a toddler trampoline, a tea set, and a baby doll stroller and crib.  Bryant and Elise got a new printer and, courtesy of Bryant’s parents, a 42 inch flat screen TV and Blu-ray disc player for the basement.  Now, if we only had more time to watch TV…

The day after Christmas, we visited the ICE! exhibit at the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor, just across the river from Alexandria.  Every year the hotel hosts an ice sculpture exhibit and other seasonal activities.  This year’s theme was “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”  We had brunch with the Grinch at the hotel (and got to watch the cartoon while eating green eggs and ham) and then toured the ice sculpture exhibit (see pictures below).  Afterwards, Henry, Elise and Paw Paw tried their hand at ice skating.  Paw Paw never made it to the rink, but Elise and Henry went around several times.  Henry really enjoyed ice skating – so much so that Elise is now thinking about signing him up for lessons.


For a while it looked like we might get hit with the big snowstorm that was headed for the East Coast, but in the end, all we got were some flurries and lots of wind.  It wasn’t a White Christmas, but it was good weather for eating leftovers from Mimi’s delicious Christmas dinner and some homemade gumbo.  On Monday, we said good bye to Mimi and Paw Paw and returned to the work/school routine, wondering how long it would take to dismantle the tree and put away all the decorations (about two months this year).

Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Rush!

We had a busy, busy holiday season.  We returned from Michigan with a full calendar and lots of shopping and decorating to do.  The first weekend back, we headed into Old Town Alexandria where we watched the annual Scottish Walk parade and bought our Christmas tree at the St. Mary’s School fundraiser.  The gentleman helping us couldn’t believe we wanted to purchase the first tree we saw, but when you have two small children and it’s approaching lunchtime, you have to be decisive.  We spent most of the week busily decorating our tree and front lawn.  We stepped up our outdoor decorations just a notch this year with real pine garland and red ribbons around the front door.
Next weekend we headed to Williamsburg, Virginia to experience Christmastown at Busch Gardens.  For a few weeks each winter, the park opens up for a seasonal celebration.  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate this weekend.  We spent a lovely morning in Colonial Williamsburg, looking at the traditional decorations and browsing through the Christmas market. However, in the afternoon a steady rain began to fall and continued throughout the night.  We had told the kids we were going to have dinner with Santa, so (despite our better judgment) we bundled up tightly, bought some ponchos and hoped against hope that the rain would stop.  It didn’t, but we did manage to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus.  We decided to skip the rest of Christmastown and try again next year.
Back home, we frantically continued shopping, mailing Christmas cards and preparing to host a holiday party for some friends from daycare.   On Saturday morning, we took in Elmo’s Healthy Heroes (Seasame Street Live) at the Patriot Center.  Later that evening, six three-year-olds and their parents and siblings gathered at our house to eat, drink and be merry.  Elise pulled out Aunt Pauline’s recipe book and made Tom and Jerry’s (eggnog fortified with brandy) for our adult guests.  After a brief and very messy cookie decorating exercise, we sent the kids downstairs to play in the basement and enjoyed a little adult conversation with our friends. 

Finally it was the week before Christmas and we still had more shopping to do!  We attended to the last few items on our list and got ready for Bryant’s parents, who arrived a few days before Christmas with a truck full of presents and food.