Sunday, August 31, 2014

First Grade

After a fun-filled summer at Burgundy Farm and an August vacation to Canada, Henry started First Grade in Ms. Walsh's class at St. Mary's. Here he is (left) on the first day of school with his best buddy Jack.  As you can see, Henry had a few visits from the tooth fairy this summer.  We're still waiting for signs of front teeth! 

Vivian was keen to start Kindergarten this year, but alas, she has one more year in Pre-K before she can join her brother at St. Mary's.

Good luck, Henry and Vivian, in the new school year!

Montreal and Quebec City

Some highlights from our summer vacation to Montreal and Quebec City.  We spent four days in Montreal in an 18th-century townhome--La Maison Dumas--near the Old Port.  While in Montreal, we went to Mass (en francais) at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, explored the Biodome and Science Center, and amused ourselves at La Ronde theme park.  Next, we drove along the St. Lawrence River to Quebec City and stayed at the Hotel Frontenac overlooking the historic Lower Town.  We loved the Old World, European feel of Quebec: the cobblestone squares, the street performers and the funicular to our hotel.  Vivian was convinced she was staying in a castle.  We concluded our visit with a stop at Montmorency Falls outside of Quebec City.  After a week in French-Canada, we were a little sad to return to our very American Holiday Inn in Burlington, Vermont.  Nous avons eu de bonnes vacances!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Henry's 7th Birthday

We finally bit the bullet and hosted a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's.  Henry and several friends from school, summer camp and the neighborhood gathered on Saturday morning to celebrate turning seven.  Highlights included finding the 1,000 free tickets voucher in the ticket blaster, playing air guitar and enjoying some special Captain America cake.  Happy birthday, Henry!