Sunday, August 24, 2008

Henry's 1st Birthday

Henry’s first birthday party was a great success. Mimi Pauline flew down from Michigan, and we invited some friends and neighbors over for cake and ice cream. As you can see from the pictures, Henry enjoyed his first taste of birthday cake. However, he wasn’t such a big fan of party hats.

Henry received lots of presents, including some toy soldiers from his cousins Emily and Alexander in Michigan, a new silky from his cousins Micah and Rylan in Alabama, and a big bouncy ball from dad and a crocodile-shaped xylophone from mom. Mimi Pauline gave him a stool, an easy chair, and a Royal Doulton china set, and Mimi Joanne and Paw Paw Bill gave him a musical play table. Henry enjoyed the gifts as well as the ribbons and wrapping paper that came with them.

Several of our neighbors stopped by to wish Henry happy birthday. We were particularly pleased that our neighbors Mr. Tim and Mr. Wynn were able to join us. Mr. Tim has lived in our neighborhood for thirty years and always has something entertaining and (he would insist) educational to say. Mr. Tim brought Henry a book of children’s poetry which belonged to him as a child and also a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, his favorite book.

After the festivities, we left Henry with Mimi Pauline and went to see our first movie – Batman: The Dark Knight – in over a year. It was playing at the Uptown Theater in Cleveland Park, a wonderful old cinema with a balcony and gigantic widescreen.

Click below for more photos from the big event:

And here's some video of Henry blowing out his birthday candle:

1 comment:

Turner Family said...

Bryant and Elise (and Henry)- My mom forwarded me the blogspot link. Henry is precious! I can't believe that we still haven't met him in person. Please give us a call on the next jaunt to HSV. We'll drop in for a QUICK visit.

Congrats to Henry on turning ONE YEAR OLD! Time flies when you are having fun, eh.