Monday, March 22, 2010

Growing Up

Vivian joined Henry at the SEC daycare center in March. Two of her teachers—Ms. Louis and Ms. Gloria—cared for Henry when he was in the infant classroom, so we knew we were leaving our little girl in good hands. Her other teacher, Ms. Chichi, has been wonderful. Vivian is the youngest child in the classroom and definitely one of the favorites. The first week got off to a rocky start when Vivian refused to take her bottle at school. We had been giving her a bottle from time to time during Elise’s maternity leave to avoid such a problem. But Vivian decided to cause her parents’ some serious stress before she finally started cooperating. Now she eats and sleeps just fine. Her favorite activities at school are going for walks outside with her friends and turning the knobs on a musical play gym. She is now rolling over and pushing up on her stomach. She is intensely interested (and often amused) by everything her brother does and even managed to grab his arm the other day in what will surely be the first of many sibling tussles. Below are some pictures of Vivian at three months.

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