Monday, April 12, 2010

New Job

After several years at Unity Health Care, an underserved clinic in Washington, DC, Elise accepted a new position as an instructor in the Department of Family Medicine at Georgetown University. She will be working in their teaching clinic in Fort Lincoln, Maryland. Elise has precepted at the Georgetown clinic for a number of years, so she will be very familiar with her new practice. However, unlike her current job, the new position will be full time. That means life will be getting even more hectic for the Morris family. To help manage the chaos, Bryant altered his work schedule to leave at 4:30pm. With any luck, we all will be home by 5:30pm each night. We had some trepidation about Elise working full-time, but the Georgetown position was too good to pass up. Elise will miss her friends at Unity and the patients to whom she was so dedicated, but she’s also excited about this new opportunity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seems like you are managing life beautifully. Love your pictures and updates.