Sunday, September 26, 2010

Henry's 3rd Birthday

This year’s birthday party was all about trains. Together with some friends from daycare, Henry celebrated turning three at Cabin John Regional Park in Maryland, which has a miniature train that runs through the park. A series of freakishly strong thunderstorms almost derailed (sorry) the celebration after the party room flooded, the train stalled and a large tree fell across the entrance to the park. However, we relocated to a nearby picnic area and the engineer was able to get the train running for at least short distances. In fact, the park officials felt so bad about the party room, they offered us unlimited private rides on the train, which of course the kids loved. So, in the end, it all turned out for the best. As you can see from the pictures below, everyone had a great time.

Recently, Henry has enjoyed performing little “puppet shows” for us in the living room. This involves him climbing on top of a chest and making up songs -- sometimes with lyrics, sometimes without. In light of his budding theatrical interest, we got him some dress-up clothes for his birthday. In the future, if he decides to do a puppet show about pirates, firemen, explorers or magicians, he will have the costumes he needs. Mimi Pauline also sent him some books, which Henry enjoys “reading” out loud to his parents and sister. He insists that we sit very still and be quiet while he reads. We wonder if he does the same for his teachers at school. Mimi Joanne and Paw Paw Bill gave him an art easeland some dry erase markers. We were shocked when he picked up a marker and drew an “H”. Apparently he has been doing more than just yoga and soccer at school.

Below are some additional photos from the party:

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