Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

 Dinosaurs and fairies took over the Morris household this Halloween.  Henry has been learning about dinosaurs in his preschool class and decided he wanted to be a triceratops.  Vivian didn’t express a preference, but we thought she would make a lovely fairy.  This was the first year in which Henry was old enough to understand Halloween. Our neighborhood really gets into the holiday: several of our neighbors put up elaborate Halloween displays (strangely enough, the homes without children seem to be the most elaborately decorated), and on Halloween afternoon, the neighborhood association hosts a huge block party with catered BBQ, moon bounces and a costume parade.  Henry was intrigued by the Halloween decorations (he called them “spookies”), particularly the witches and skeletons.  He made Bryant drive him through the neighborhood each night on the way home from school so he could look at the displays.


We have a lot of young children in the neighborhood, and Halloween night is a pretty big affair. We started the evening with a potluck dinner at a neighbor’s house and then trick-or-treated for several blocks until Henry’s bag was so full of candy he could hardly carry it.  There were even drink-or-treats for the adults: one family was giving out sangria (with dry ice, of course) to the parents.  Vivian mostly observed this year but no doubt she will soon be following in her brother’s footsteps.  After it was over, Henry was sad to see the spookies go, but he took some comfort in the fact that Christmas lights and Santa Claus would soon be replacing the neighborhood ghouls.

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