Tuesday, March 1, 2011

To Infinity...and Beyond!

After receiving a DVD of Toy Story 3 from his cousins Micah and Rylan, Henry has become obsessed with Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the rest of the gang. The fact that the movie is set in a daycare center similar to his own preschool might be part of the appeal. This winter, we instituted “family movie night” on Fridays. On those nights, Henry inevitably requests two things: TS3 and a bag of popcorn. Fortunately for us, TS3 is a pretty entertaining film. The opening sequence, in which Andy enacts an elaborate chase sequence with his toys, perfectly captures how young boys play. Like the mom in the movie, we sometimes like to observe Henry at play to see where his imagination will take him. Henry has Woody and Buzz and Mr. Potato Head too, and they’re frequently getting into wild adventures with Batman, the Smurfs, and the herd of plastic dinosaurs that reside in our living room. Increasingly, these adventures have included the sudden appearance of a horrible monster known as “Frankenbaby” (aka Vivian). In addition to the DVD and toys, we also have a Toy Story bean bag chair, blanket, bed sheets, PJs, Band Aids and flashing T-shirt. Because if you’re going to like something, you might as well like it all the way…to infinity and beyond.

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