Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

There aren’t many occasions when the Morris family dresses up. This year, despite Elise having been on call for two weeks, we managed to get everyone into their Easter finest on Sunday morning. We even had time to snap a few photos before dashing off to church (see below).


Vivian looked lovely in her Easter dress, and this year, for the first time, Henry was able to wear a suit. He particularly enjoyed his clip-on tie (he later insisted on wearing it to school with his tee shirt). To our surprise, he managed to stay more or less dressed for most of the day. As is our tradition, we joined the Powell family for Easter Mass and brunch at Clyde’s restaurant in Tysons Corner.  Afterward, we went back to the Powell home for an old fashioned Easter egg hunt. We’re still trying to figure out what to do with all the candy (why do we buy those awful Peeps?). Maybe next year the Easter Bunny can bring more books and less chocolate…but we wouldn’t bet on it.


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