Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011/Vivian’s 2nd Birthday

We had many reasons to give thanks this year: Bryant’s parents visited from Alabama, we had a new home in which to celebrate, and, most importantly, Vivian turned two. Thanksgiving morning was like a mini-Christmas for Vivian with a new doll changing table/nursery station and lots of presents waiting to be opened. Vivian enjoyed washing, changing and feeding her dolls throughout the day, and we had to bring up the highchair from the basement so her new Bitty Baby could eat with us at the table. Bryant’s mom cooked some of our favorite dishes (mac and cheese, rice casserole, and fried corn) and, for the first time this year, we ordered a smoked turkey from Rocklands, which was delicious. After recovering from dinner, we broke out the Disney Princess decorations and enjoyed birthday cake and ice cream with Vivi. As always, it was great to have Bryant’s family stay with us. Paw Paw helped Bryant with some much needed home improvement projects and both grandparents took Henry to the movie (The Muppets) while Bryant, Elise and Vivian shopped for some new living room furniture. In between, we managed to take a day trip to Baltimore to visit the National Aquarium (and experience the 4D version of Polar Express, complete with simulated snow). Below are some pictures from Vivian’s birthday and the holiday weekend.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just lovin these pictures and updates!
Boy oh boy have they grown!
I hope I'm not too late to send the tshirts.
Coming soon.