Sunday, July 1, 2012

Green Thumbs

The composter mentioned in a previous post was for Elise’s vegetable garden.  Last year we planted a small garden in the backyard, but a lack of direct sunlight and not-so-benign neglect led to disappointing results.  This year, Elise was determined to do some serious gardening.  We prepared a bed along the south side of the house, which gets much better light, and planted cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and strawberries, along with some herbs.  So far, everything has been doing incredibly well: the tomatoes and cucumbers, in particular, have been growing like crazy.  The only challenge has been keeping the squirrels from eating the produce before it ripens.  Bryant constructed a makeshift net for the garden, but only time will tell if it can keep the determined little rodents out.  Below are some photos of our summer crop:


1 comment:

David Dettling said...

Not sure what kind of composter you got, but if it's the kind where you need to add wood pellets I've found that "Feline Pine" works well. You can buy it in 40lb bags on Amazon...

You probably already know, but if you are putting the compost into the vegetable garden you should be more careful what you put in it also...