Saturday, August 25, 2012

Swim, Run, Cook and Watch TV

July and August were relatively slow months in the Morris household.  We spent most weekends at our community pool, trying to stay cool.  The kids have been doing great in the water.  At the start of summer we bought Puddle Jumper floaties (highly recommended) for both kids, and they were soon splashing around the pool on their own.  This was a big change from last season, when they clung to us constantly in the pool.  In mid-August, Henry took a few private swim lessons.  The instructor had the patience of Job and needed every ounce of it--Henry was a feisty pupil! By the end of the week, she had him swimming without floaties for a few seconds, but he still won’t put (much of) his face in the water.  Hopefully we'll make more progress next summer...
Elise continued to train for her marathon in the fall.  She’s been getting up at daybreak on the weekends to go for 12, 15, and even 20-mile runs.  The big race is only a few months way, so this is really crunch time for her training.
Bryant has continued his culinary adventures, making rack of lamb, boeuf en croute, coq au vin, potatoes annacauliflower au gratin and blueberry and apple tart.  Except for a miserable failure with the coq au vin, most dishes have turned out better than expected. 
In between running, cooking and taking the kids to the pool, we also found time to discover a new favorite TV show: Doc Martin.  A British comedy about a doctor living in Cornwall—perfect for us!

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