Thursday, September 20, 2012

Moving Up

After returning from summer break, Henry and Vivian both started in new classrooms at St. Anthony’s.  Henry moved to class 4B, his last stop before Kindergarten.  His new teacher, Ms. Rina, is working hard to get the children ready for next year.  She requires them to sit perfectly still during circle time (which has caused Henry some grief) and gives them a “test” each Friday to review what they have learned during the week.  Henry was so proud (and so were we) the week he answered the most questions on the test!  By some minor miracle, Ms. Rina has gotten Henry to eat the school lunches and, even more astoundingly, broccoli and salad.  Bryant nearly fell out of his chair when Henry started eating carrots at dinner.  Vivian moved to class 3A.  Her teachers report that she is a good listener, who likes to follow directions.  She spends most of her free time playing “housekeeping” (i.e., pretending to cook and caring for her dolls).   Vivian also is very, very independent: she insists on getting dressed, brushing her teeth, and putting on her socks and shoes without any help from her parents.  Just don’t try to tell her the shoes are on the wrong feet—she will NOT let you switch them (there’s a fine line between independence and stubbornness).  Both kids really like their school, and we could not be happier with the care they’re receiving at St. Anthony’s.

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