Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pre-K Graduation

Henry’s Pre-K graduation ceremony was held at the end of June.  The children wore mortarboards and sang a few songs (“Lean on Me,” “That’s What Friends Are For,” and “The Candy Man”) for the parents before being presented with their “diplomas.”  Henry did a great job singing (and swaying—check out the video clips below), but seemed a little embarrassed when it came time to collect his diploma.  After the ceremony, we told Henry he could go anywhere he wanted for dinner, and he chose…IHOP.  So, we all headed over to Potomac Yard for pancakes.  Below are photos and video highlights from Henry’s big day: 

Henry has a few more months at St. Anthony’s and then will start Kindergarten at St. Mary’s in Old Town Alexandria in August.  Kindergarten will be a big change for all of us.  St. Mary’s will have four (4!) Kindergarten classes next year (it’s the largest elementary school in the Diocese of Arlington).  Fortunately, five other classmates from St. Anthony’s, including Henry’s best friend Jack, are headed there as well, so Henry will have some familiar faces in his new surroundings.  While Henry enjoys his last few months in Pre-K, we’ve been busy ordering uniforms and assembling school supplies.  We’ve also been trying to keep up with the flood of information about his new school.  We’ve read the carpool instructions several times and still aren’t entirely sure what to do at pick up/drop off.  And it’s still hard for us to imagine Henry buying his own lunch in the school cafeteria.  But friends assure us that it will all become second nature before too long.

In the meantime, we’re grateful to the teachers and staff of St. Anthony’s for providing such a great environment for Henry these last two years.  He has really grown, both emotionally and academically, during his time at the school, and we’re confident that he has been well prepared for his future at St. Mary’s  Below are a few pictures of Henry with his classmates/partners in crime (Jack and Wesley) and his Pre-K teacher Ms. Rina.


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