Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apple Picking

After years of talking about it, we finally went apple picking this fall.  Friends suggested two orchards in Markham, VirginiaStribling and Hartland.  Both are literally right off I-66, just before Front Royal.  We chose Stribling, if only because they had a slightly better website.  Apparently it was a good choice, because the orchard was packed.  We weren’t entirely sure what to do, so we just parked and started filling up bags of fruit.  Eventually someone handed us an apple picker, which was much easier than raising the kids on our shoulders—although we did have to supervise use of the apple picker, lest Henry and Vivian whack themselves or some poor stranger in the head.  The setting was lovely, with picturesque views of the Shenandoah mountains in the distance.  In less than an hour, we had filled several bags (those bushels fill up quickly when you have two eager young helpers).  We decided to quit before things got completely out of hand (how were we going to eat all that fruit?) and had a picnic lunch in a clearing near the orchard.  Everyone agreed it was an enjoyable outing and well worth a return visit next year.  Below are pictures from our apple-picking adventure:

Click here to find out what we did with the surplus apples.


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