Sunday, November 24, 2013

November Happenings

Mimi Joanne visited in early November to attend “Special Persons” (a.k.a. Grandparents) Day at Vivi’s school.  Mimi got to see some of Vivi’s artwork and also heard a special concert performed by the 4A class.  While she was in town, Mimi also took Vivian to the American Girl store in Tyson’s Corner to select an early birthday present.  Having studied the AG catalogue at home, Vivian had no trouble picking out the red party dress she wanted for herself and her doll.  Mimi’s visit also coincided with Bryant’s 42nd birthday, which we celebrated with a family dinner at Clyde’s.  Also in November, we finally got around to ordering Henry a twin bed.  It was long overdue; for months he has been hanging off the side of his toddler bed.  No sooner had we set up Henry’s new bedroom furniture than Vivian started asking for a “big girl” bed.   Before the weather got too cold, we also managed to squeeze in some outdoor ice skating at Pentagon Row.  Henry was able to skate on his own, and Vivian did pretty well with the help of some special double blade “training” skates (see below).  Finally, at the end of the month, we celebrated Vivi’s fourth birthday.  We decided to hold her party after the Thanksgiving break (more about that to follow), but marked the special day with breakfast at Krispy Kreme 


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