Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year's in Huntsville

Morris cousins photo-op
We flew to Huntsville at the end of Christmas break to visit with Uncle Kevin, Aunt Templa and the girls.  Mimi Joanne drove up from Mobile to be with us.  We discovered that Baby Regan is no longer a baby and is very fond of her uncle; she climbed right up into Bryant's lap.  As always, Henry and Vivian enjoyed seeing their older cousins.  While we were in town, we visited the local children’s museum and all went to the movies one afternoon (Walking with Dinosaurs for Henry, Micah and Rylan and Frozen for Vivian and Regan).  Mimi bravely agreed to watch all five grandchildren one evening while Bryant, Elise, Kevin and Templa went for dinner and drinks with their cousins Carrie and Quitman Turner.  We are especially grateful to our Alabama peeps for introducing us to the Nook, which we later learned is ranked as one of the best bars in the country.  Below are some photos of our brief visit to Huntsville.


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