Sunday, February 16, 2014

Snow Days

At some point we lost count of how many delayed starts/snow days we’ve had this winter.  Suffice to say it was many—way too many.  The first 2-3 snow days are always fun: lazy mornings by the fire and afternoons playing outside.  After that, the shoveling, bored children and missed work grows tiresome.  The biggest challenge is keeping the kids occupied.  There’s always TV, but after a while, even that has diminishing returns.  After the first few snowfalls, Bryant ordered some plastic sleds from Amazon.  A park around the corner has a mid-sized hill that is perfect for junior sledding.  After one particularly icy storm, we even sledded down our street (see below).  When we weren’t romping in the snow, we passed the time playing board games (Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders and Hedbanz are popular in our house), baking (see Snow Day Baking) and enjoying happy hours with our neighbors (whose families were similarly stir crazy).  So far, no make-up days have been ordered, but if we keep up at the current pace, the kids made be looking at a shortened spring break or summer vacation.

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