Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Elise and the kids traveled to Howell, Michigan to spend Memorial Day weekend with Mimi Pauline (Bryant stayed behind to catch up on some house projects).  Just before departing, we learned that Henry had been selected as the "superstar of the week" at school, which meant he got to keep the class mascotMr. Wise the Owlfor the long weekend.  Fortunately, Mr. Wise did not require an extra seat on the plane.  Once in Howell, Henry, Vivian and Mr. Wise enjoyed a weekend full of activities, including a trip to the Howell Nature Center (where they got to see a real life snowy owl) and a visit to the Detroit Zoo.  The water play area at the Howell Nature Center was an especially big hit (see the photos below).  Back at Mimi Pauline's house, the kids enjoyed riding around in Mimi's green gator, petting the neighbors' horses and catching up with the resident Labradors.  Below are some photos from the long weekendbe sure to keep an eye out for Mr. Wise!

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