Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kindergarten "Graduation"

Henry's first year at St. Mary's ended with a concert and reception.  Henry and his classmates sang some special songs for their parents, including "Let's Go Fly a Kite," from Mary Poppins, "Do Re Mi" from Sound of Music, and for their grand finale, "In Summer" from Frozen. Afterwards, the children received their Kindergarten "diplomas" and enjoyed some playtime together before being dismissed for the summer.  We were really pleased with how the year went for Henry.  Despite some occasional hiccups (we learned to assess our days in colors--red, yellow and green...and every now and then, blue!), Henry seemed to adjust well to his new environment and made many friends.  With Kindergarten behind us, it's on to first grade and the start of homework.  First, however, Henry has a well deserved summer of fun lined up with camp at Burgundy Farm and an August vacation in Canada (more about those later).  Well done, Henry!  You make us so proud.


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