Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy (Feet) Halloween

Halloween was a week-long celebration in the Morris family this year. First up was Boo at the Zoo. Every year the National Zoo stays open late for several nights of family friendly trick-or-treating. The grounds of the zoo are decorated with spooky displays and local vendors give away treats. In keeping with the animal theme, Henry dressed as a penguin. Our favorite part of the night was a visit to see the big cats. In order to see the cats, we had to walk through the mouth of a giant tiger, pass through its stomach and guts, and eventually exit through the rear end. Judging from the sound effects, this tiger was suffering from some major indigestion. Henry was interested in all the new sites and sounds but cared little about the candy. Something tells us that won’t last long. Later in the week we celebrated the annual harvest festival at Henry’s daycare center. Each family brought a “homemade” dish (ours was fruit salad) and enjoyed a potluck dinner. Then it was on to Halloween itself. Henry got into the holiday spirit at daycare by wearing a flashing ghost t-shirt from his Mimi Joanne. Later in the day the children showed off their costumes (pumpkin costumes were the most popular in the infant classroom). By the time evening arrived, Henry was getting a little tired of being a penguin but managed to rally for a quick stroll around the neighborhood.

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