Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This year we avoided our usual holiday travel and spent Thanksgiving in Washington. Mimi Joanne and Paw Paw Bill flew up from Alabama and stayed with us through the weekend. Henry was excited to spend time with his grandparents and really enjoyed Mimi’s cooking, especially the sausage balls (see Things We Like: Sausage Balls). Elise had to work on Friday, so the rest of us headed to the zoo, which was only slightly less crowded than the shopping malls. On Saturday, we drove out to Tyson’s Corner so that Henry could meet Santa Claus. As you can see from the photo, Henry wasn’t too sure about the old man in the red suit, but he didn’t cry, which seemed like an accomplishment. Santa was impressed by Henry’s bravery and promised to bring him lots of toys.

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