Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Home Improvements

We closed on the new house in mid-May and began a frantic round of home improvements before our June 15th move-in date.  Coordinating multiple independent contractors proved more difficult than it should, but in the end, we were able to get the floors refinished, the interior repainted, and some asbestos removed from the basement in three short weeks.  Selecting paint colors proved to be one of the hardest tasks.  In the end, we stuck with the existing color scheme and only really changed the children’s bedrooms.  Henry made clear that he wanted blue – his favorite color (at least for now).  Vivian was too young to express a preference, so we went for purple (Elise’s favorite color).  We really struggled over the shade of blue for Henry’s room.  Bryant wanted something darker; Elise wanted something lighter.  In the end, we compromised and used both.  Early reviews from Henry were mostly positive.  In addition to the interior, Elise has been working hard to prepare a backyard garden.  So far, she has cucumbers, pumpkins, beans and tomato plants either in the ground or soon-to-be planted.  And in between all that, we also shopped for a new washer / dryer and mattress.  Busy times for the Morris family, but in a few short weeks, everything will be in place for our new home!

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