Friday, June 24, 2011

Our New House

Finally!  We’re in.  After weeks of planning and preparation, we moved into our new house on June 15th.  It was a hectic week, but we managed to vacate our old home and get mostly unpacked at our new place in a few short but intense days.  Bryant’s mom came up from Alabama and was invaluable in helping us to manage the move.  We love the new house (especially the extra space), and the kids are really enjoying their backyard playset.  The only difficulty has been getting them to share the swings (see below) and come inside for dinner.  We still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but below are some pictures of the new place.

Note: When we told Henry about the new home, he immediately asked if it would have a “dolphin swing.”  Our friends Brad and Tonia Powell have an outdoor playset with a bucket swing shaped like a blue dolphin.  Henry LOVES swinging on this, so we decided to get one for the new house.  It turns out Step2 no longer makes this particular type of swing.  However, Bryant found a few for sale on eBay and, after missing out on several bids, finally managed to secure one.  Now both kids love riding the dolphin swing (Vivian calls it a “shark,”, but that’s close enough).  As you can see, it’s really quite a superb swing:

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