Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Fun

October was filled with fun Fall activities.  Over Columbus Day weekend, we made an excursion to Sperryville, Virginia near the entrance to the Shenandoah National Park to shop for a new dining room table.  We’ve been wanting a farm table for years and finally decided it was time. After some research, we found a furniture maker in Sperryville who is going to build an Irish immigrant table for us – he promises it will be ready for Christmas!
That same weekend, we ventured to Cox Farms in Centerville, VA for the mother of all Fall festivals.  We usually visit the pumpkin patch at Butler’s Orchard in Germantown, Maryland but decided to try Cox Farms this year.  While it was bigger and more elaborate, Cox Farms was also much more crowded and somehow not as quaint as Butler's.  We missed getting to pick pumpkins from an actual pumpkin patch (as opposed to a stall on the way to the parking lot).  Next year we’ll head back to Butler’s.  

Later in October we returned to Claude Moore Colonial Farm for their Fall market fair (think Colonial Williamsburg meets Renaissance Fair).  We explored the old tobacco farmstead, visited the toymaker's booth (Henry chose a clay bird whistle and Vivian chose a rag doll), and enjoyed a delicious lunch of grilled sausages, meat pie and ale.


Finally, toward the end of the month, we went to Disney on Ice at the Patriot Center.  To Henry’s dismay and Vivian’s delight, the theme this year was Disney Princesses.  A busy month, and we hadn’t even begun Halloween celebrations!

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