Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spoooky Time

Henry loves Halloween and all things “spooky.”  At the first sign of Fall, he began asking if we could carve pumpkins and break out the Halloween decorations.  Under Henry’s direction, we added a hanging skeleton, gravestones, and an inflatable ghost to our front yard display.  For pumpkin carving, we decided it was best to avoid knives and stick with the “Mr. Potato Head method” again this year.  As you can see, Henry enjoyed making a pirate jack-o-lantern.  The pumpkins were so big, Bryant had to use his electric drill to make holes for the eyes and ears.  Although he had asked to be a skeleton, Henry decided at the last minute to switch to Spider-Man.  Fortunately, he received a Spider-Man costume for his birthday.  Vivian chose to be Minnie Mouse and made a valiant effort at wearing her mouse ears for at least part of the evening.
On Halloween night, we met up with our friends the Mates for some neighborhood trick-or-treating.  Halloween is always a big event where we live, and this year one family had a particularly impressive Harry Potter display.  They used plywood cutouts to transform the front of their house into Hogwarts and enlisted friends to dress-up like Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape.  They even had a Sorting Hat to assign the neighborhood children to different houses!  Henry wasn’t so sure about the hat and just watched from the sidewalk, but we’re thinking he would have been a Slytherin.

1 comment:

Melora said...

Those two are so cute. I can't believe how Elise-looking Vivian is getting!