Friday, November 30, 2012


Surprisingly, we’ve never posted about our cat, Vici.  He’s a Himalayan and former show/stud cat.  His name—frequently mispronounced “Vicky”—comes from the Latin saying veni, vidi, vici (“I came, I saw, I conquered”).  Vici was a gift from Mimi Pauline during Elise’s medical residency.  Bryant has something of a love/hate relationship with Vici, simultaneously plotting his removal from the house while slipping him treats from the dinner table.  The kids (especially Vivian) love Vici, but their rambunctious ways have shattered his nerves.  He’s now on a daily dose of Prozac to help keep it all together.  In younger days, Vici would bound around the house, chasing toys and nuzzling against your leg for attention.  Now he mostly sleeps—all day and a good part of the night and always at the head of Henry’s bed.  He lost his teeth a few years back and (as posted earlier) had his beautiful mane shaved for easier grooming.  He’s a shadow of the champion he once was (see vintage photo below), but still a winner in our least until the next vet bill arrives.

Vici in younger days -- with hair, teeth and claws

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