Sunday, November 25, 2012

Vivian’s 3rd Birthday

Vivian had four (4!) separate birthday celebrations this year.  The first—her official birthday party--was at MoBu Kids, an indoor play facility in Falls Church.  Vivian’s birthday falls over Thanksgiving Day week, so we had to schedule the party several weeks in advance.  Vivian and her classmates (and special guest Sara Powell) enjoyed romping around the “play studio” and participating in the special party games (like bouncing plastic balls on a parachute).  Interestingly, the little boys in Vivian’s class were reluctant (at first) to enter the play studio—it was the girls who took the lead with running, jumping and climbing.  Afterward, we had cake  and snacks in the party room.  Vivian surprised us by requesting a “fairies” birthday cake (we were sure she would want Cinderella).  Henry seemed a little lost during the celebrations but kept himself occupied by climbing the rock wall.

Vivian’s second celebration was closer to her actual birthday and at school, when we brought cupcakes for her classmates and teachers.  Then there was the third celebration when Mimi and Paw Paw visited over Thanksgiving.  Elise, Mimi Joanne and Vivian went for lunch at the American Girl Bistro in Tyson’s Corner, and afterward, Vivian had her new Bitty Twin’s hair styled at the American Girl Salon and shopped for doll accessories.  Actually, Elise did most of the shopping.  Bryant has decided that the American Girl store is a very, very dangerous place.  Finally, we had our own private birthday celebration on the 24th, with just mommy, daddy and big brother Henry.  Vivian got so accustomed to having parties, she seemed a little sad and confused when we explained that there would be no more celebrations until next year.  Below are some pictures from the party at Mobu Kids.


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