Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hail the Mighty Anglers!

Alexander was determined to take Henry fishing while he and Emily were in town (see Spring Break Visitors).  On the last day of their visit, we squeezed in an afternoon trip to Cook Lake in Cameron Regional Park, just around the corner from us.  The lake is part of Virginia’s Urban Fishing Program and has a small pier where you can fish for trout and catfish (stocked in the winter and summer, respectively).  The Brown-Bakers had already given Henry a Spider-Man fishing pole and tackle box at Christmas.  A quick trip to Walmart secured some live bait and hooks.  Then it was off to catch some fish.  The boys didn’t come home with any trout, but Henry did manage (with Alexander’s help) to catch several small bluegills.  It’s hard to say what Henry enjoyed more: catching the fish, or watching Alexander gut them.  Henry had a great time and, as you can see from the video below, seemed pleased with his new found angling skills.  Thanks to Alexander for pushing us to make this happen.  It was a great discovery—so easy, even Bryant could (probably) do it.


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