Sunday, May 26, 2013

Historic Half

We made a family trip to Fredericksburg, Virginia in May to watch Elise run the Marine Corps “Historic Half” half marathon.  Believe it or not, this is the first time we’ve all gone, as a family, to watch Elise run a race—something that was long overdue.  We drove down on Saturday afternoon to pick up Elise’s race materials and explore Fredericksburg (childhood home of George Washington).  For Bryant and Elise, it was a bit nostalgic to revisit the town where they got engaged some eight years ago: it was at the Kenmore Inn on Princess Anne Street that Bryant popped the fateful question…after first setting off the hotel smoke alarm when he tried to light the bedroom fireplace.  Apparently you’re supposed to open the damper first.

At race headquarters, Henry and Vivian made posters to cheer on their mommy (see photos below) and sampled the energy drinks.   On race day, Bryant and the kids arrived early to find a prime viewing spot near the finish line.  Although it was a little rainy, the kids showed extraordinary patience as they waited for Elise.  Henry was quite keen to have his poster ready for her when she came by; for her part, Vivian was content to sit and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iphone.  Elise crossed the finish line in just under two hours, running at a pace of about 9 minutes/mile.  Afterward, we all walked with mommy to collect her race medal (Elise is beginning to amass quite a collection) and help her eat the free post-race snacks.  Well done, mommy!  We’re all proud of you.


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