Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day in Michigan

Elise, Henry and Vivian traveled to Michigan over Memorial Day weekend to visit Mimi Pauline.  This was the first time that one of us has attempted to travel alone with both kids, and Elise reports that it was challenging but not altogether unmanageable, especially with a portable DVD player for the plane. Having been sorely disappointed when their last promised trip to Michigan ended in Disney World (watch the infamous video here), the kids were psyched to be visiting Mimi Pauline “for real” this time.  Even before they left, Henry and Vivian were looking forward to a ride on the “Green Gator,” and, sure enough, Mimi Pauline busted out the tractor upon arrival.  When they weren’t taking rides on the Gator, the kids hunted for frogs at the pond (they found a blue racer snake instead) and watched the horses at the nearby stables.  An excellent playground in nearby Brighton also provided some easy entertainment.  On Sunday, Elise, Pauline and the kids visited the Brown-Bakers in Harper Woods.  While Henry dug for worms in the backyard with Alexander, Emily and Vivian opted for the more civilized activity of coloring.  In the evening, everyone enjoyed some delicious Lebanese takeout.  As if all that wasn’t exciting enough, Henry and Vivian also got to watch Hotel Transylvania, in 3D, on Mimi Pauline’s fancy new television (check out the photo below of the kids with their 3D glasses).  All in all, a pretty eventful holiday weekend for the Morris children.

Back in Alexandria, Bryant had four days on his own to complete some long overdue home improvement projects (including building an enclosure for the garden), shopping for a new suit and baking a three-layer chocolate-raspberry mousse birthday cake for Elise.  You can read about the “Labor of Love” cake here.  Happy Birthday, Elise!  


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