Saturday, August 24, 2013

Break In

Elise came home from work to discover someone had broken into our home.  The intruders kicked in the basement door and ransacked the master bedroom, but left the rest of the house untouched.  They took mostly jewelry, including several pieces from Elise’s mom, aunt and grandmother.  Needless to say, those items held significant sentimental value for Elise.  We’ve talked about getting an alarm system but never got around to it.  Although the police assured us they would check the local pawnshops, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we would likely never see those items again.  The next day, we arranged for an alarm system to be installed.  Lesson learned.

UPDATE: The police called to report that they had recovered some of our stolen property!  They identified Bryant’s class ring from a list provided by a local pawnshop.  The pawnshop also had several items of Elise’s jewelry, including pieces from her family.  We couldn’t believe our good fortune.  We subsequently learned that the detectives have made two arrests in the case.  We’re awaiting further details, but for now, are grateful to have recovered some of the stolen items.

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