Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day at the Museum

With Elise on call for the weekend, Bryant decided to take Henry and Vivian to the Port Discovery children’s museum in Baltimore.  It’s been a while since we visited the museum, which never fails to entertain (and wear out) the kids.  Our visit got off to a rocky start when Henry and Vivian clamored into the museum’s three-story climber and promptly got themselves stuck inside.  Bryant had to scramble up several rope ladders and squeeze through a few narrow openings to first rescue Vivian and then find Henry, who made it to the top on his own but was frightened to discover we weren’t there.  Reunited once more, and with some ground rules about not running off from dad, we set off exploring the Wonders of Water and Adventure Expeditions rooms.  The kids especially enjoyed a temporary exhibit about the Wizard of Oz with its perception bending “tornado house” (as the kids dubbed it).  Afterward, we had lunch at Panera and walked around the Inner Harbor before heading home to meet/hand off to mommy.


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