Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Despite an unusually rainy October, we enjoyed celebrating Halloween in our new neighborhood. To get into the spirit of the season, we returned to Butler’s Orchard for their annual Pumpkin Festival in mid-October. Mimi Pauline happened to be visiting that weekend and joined us for the usual activities of pumpkin picking, hayrides, lawn games, and the giant tube slide (which Bryant and Henry braved once).

On the morning of Halloween, we invited our friends the McCuaigs and the Huangs (and their respective families) over for brunch. Elise made bat-shaped pancakes for the kids and the adults had pumpkin bread, bagels and coffee. Henry seemed to enjoy having some other children in the house and even happily shared his toys. The children were especially excited to feed the fish in the basement, about which more later.

In the evening, we gathered with some other families in the neighborhood for a potluck dinner and communal trick-or-treating. This year, Henry went dressed as a pirate. We couldn’t quite convince him to wear the hat, but he happily tolerated the rest of the costume. Once he figured out the routine, Henry enthusiastically knocked on doors and asked for treats (although he was a little thrown by the neighbors who gave out quarters). Some of the houses had elaborate Halloween decorations, which he pointed out as “scary.” Judging from the scenes around the neighborhood, Spider-Man and High School Musical were the most popular costumes this year. Something tells me we may be looking at a superhero costume in our future.

Despite some light rain, we all had a great time. It was nice to celebrate the evening in a neighborhood with lots of kids (and enthusiastic neighbors). Bryant was especially impressed that one house had a special “witches brew” for adults only. It certainly made the evening go a little more smoothly.

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