Thursday, November 12, 2009

Henry's New Room (and a New Nursery)

As we mentioned, Mimi Pauline gave Henry a boat-shaped toddler bed for his birthday. Taking that as our cue, we decorated Henry’s room in a nautical theme. Our goal was to make the room as fun as possible, in the hopes that Henry would spend more time there (like during the night). Pauline donated some of Uncle Spike’s old sailing gear: model sail boats, nautical prints, an old ship’s wheel, port and starboard lights and a brass bell. We placed these throughout the room along with a treasure map rug and a signal flag banner that spells Henry’s name.

So far, Henry seems to enjoy his new surroundings. He’s been taking long afternoon naps, and although he still wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to come to our bed, he usually goes to sleep without too much fuss. Below are some pictures of the room, along with a sneak peek of the new nursery for the soon-to-arrive Baby Morris #2.

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