Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009/Vivian's Homecoming

It was a busy Thanksgiving in the Morris household. Vivian was born on November 24th, two days before Thanksgiving. Bryant’s mom was already in town to help with the new arrival. On Wednesday, Bryant’s dad and his brother Kevin and his family also arrived for the holiday. All total, after Vivian came home, we had 10 people staying under one roof! It was great to have everyone together for Thanksgiving, and the company proved helpful as we readjusted to life with a newborn. We felt especially grateful to have Micah and Rylan around to keep Henry company while mom and dad were at the hospital. With his cousins there to distract him, Henry hardly noticed that he was no longer the center of attention.

Elise and Vivian were discharged on Thanksgiving Day and made it home in time for Thanksgiving dinner. Henry was glad to see his mommy again (after being away for two days) and seemed curious but not horrified by Vivian’s sudden appearance. Mostly he wanted to get back to playing with his cousins.

Kevin and Templa and the girls enjoyed their time in Washington. They explored the sites in Old Town Alexandria, visited the National Mall and went to the ICE! Experience at the National Harbor. Kevin and Templa even managed to step out one evening for dinner and drinks in Old Town.

As you can see from the photos below, Henry had a blast with his cousins. He talked about “Micah and Ra-Ra” for days after they left. Two moments stood out from the weekend: one was watching Henry, Micah and Rylan throw a huge Sesame Street dance party in the living room (at which Bryant appeared to be the only adult supervision) and the other was watching the three of them bouncing on the girls’ air mattress while reciting “Five Little Monkeys.” It made us realize how much Henry is going to enjoy having a little sister.

With the success of Thanksgiving, we are already making plans for a combined Morris family vacation to Disney World later this year.

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