Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Wheels!

When we moved to the suburbs, we knew we’d need a second set of wheels. We could get by with one car in the city, with a Metro stop and most amenities within walking distance (and, in any event, we only had one parking space at our condo). But now that we were running around Northern Virginia for our Target and grocery shopping, we needed another car. A few years back, we saw a segment of the Today show on the best family cars. One of the cars they spotlighted was the Kia Rondo, and we’ve had it in mind as a possible candidate ever since. With all the other happenings this fall (see A Busy Fall), we didn’t have much time to visit car lots and haggle with salesmen. So we did our research online, made a few targeted visits to dealerships, and ended up purchasing a 2009 denim Rondo (pictured above). We liked the Rondo because it was relatively compact but still allowed for an optional third row of seats (for when family or friends visit). Plus, the Rondo has received excellent safety ratings and is considered one of the best bargains out there. It’s certainly not the sportiest or most luxurious car on the market, but considering the uses to which we (and our two kids) intend to put it, it should do just fine. Bryant especially likes the built-in satellite radio, which means he can listen to 80s music whenever he wants (or at least when Elise is not driving).

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